Praktis dan Ekonomis, Cukup Gunakan Daun Ini Dicampur Madu, Wajah Impianmu Bisa Terwujud!

Your teenager decides to throw a party while you and your spouse slip away for what is a much needed, and well deserved, weekend alone. Back home, your child is presumably, just “hanging out”, watching movies or playing video games. What if he or she invites friends over, one of the friends brings alcohol, another friend gets drunk and decides to walk home. She lives in the same neighborhood and it isn’t too far of a walk. While walking along the edge of the road, she stumbles and get hits by an oncoming car that is turning the corner. That friend suffers massive internal and external injuries and has to have multiple surgeries. Her prognosis is positive, but she still has a long road ahead and a long list of medical bills to go along with it. Was the driver at fault? Maybe he didn’t see the victim; it was dark outside and he wasn’t the one drinking. It was a mere accident. But why was she drinking? Didn’t anyone try and stop her? Where were the parents? Did they know she was going to a party where there would be alcohol? Probably not. Where were the insured’s parents during this? After all, the minor consumed alcohol in your home and as the homeowner, you’re the one responsible for what goes on at your residence; even if you aren’t there. Right? Either way, someone needs to pay for the victim’s medical bills and someone will.


Your teenager decides to throw a party while you and your spouse slip away for what is a much needed, and well deserved, weekend alone. Back home, your child is presumably, just “hanging out”, watching movies or playing video games. What if he or she invites friends over, one of the friends brings alcohol, another friend gets drunk and decides to walk home. She lives in the same neighborhood and it isn’t too far of a walk. While walking along the edge of the road, she stumbles and get hits by an oncoming car that is turning the corner. That friend suffers massive internal and external injuries and has to have multiple surgeries. Her prognosis is positive, but she still has a long road ahead and a long list of medical bills to go along with it. Was the driver at fault? Maybe he didn’t see the victim; it was dark outside and he wasn’t the one drinking. It was a mere accident. But why was she drinking? Didn’t anyone try and stop her? Where were the parents? Did they know she was going to a party where there would be alcohol? Probably not. Where were the insured’s parents during this? After all, the minor consumed alcohol in your home and as the homeowner, you’re the one responsible for what goes on at your residence; even if you aren’t there. Right? Either way, someone needs to pay for the victim’s medical bills and someone will.