Are you one of the people who still buy insurance through an agent or directly from the same insurance company you have insured your car with for many years? Do you take any time to compare what you are currently paying with newer options available for you in the market?
If you have never compared premiums before buying a car insurance kenya, then there is a chance you are actually spending too much on your Car insurance.
Granted, your decision to buy insurance you’re your preferred company may not necessarily be driven by cost, you may have other considerations such as the stability of the company, the benefits you have accrued with this company, their customer service standards, among other reasons.
However, there is no harm in checking what else is out there for you. Here are four compelling reasons for using a car insurance premium calculator before buying a policy to Calculate the cost of a comprehensive car insurance cover in kenya.

ymptoms and warning signs of malignant mesothelioma are often much more difficult to notice because in most cases, no?t begin to show until several decades after asbestos exposure. When symptoms finally appear, they are often extremely mild in the beginning most people? t the idea that these are actually warning signs of serious consequences of medical. When early symptoms develop, people often mistake the warning signs of a cold, flu or other less severe and common diseases. It? s turns though to always listen to your body. If you? I’ve ever worked around asbestos or used products containing asbestos, do not ignore even the slightest hint of a cold. You should seek medical assistance immediately.